Sunday, September 14, 2008

So.....what about Sarah?

Well, what do you all think about John McCain's choice of running mate?

I have done some serious reading - not in the tabloids - on some very good political websites. And watched some speeches and interviews. Because, as far as I'm concerned, she just came from out of nowhere....... really. Never heard of her before she was chosen. Of course, I can't claim to have followed Alaskan politics as I've always lived here on the east coast of the US.

What a lady!

There is only one place where we have a serious disagreement - and that is the issue of abortion. She and I are simply at complete opposite ends of the spectrum on that. I think that might have something to do with the 8 year difference in our ages. She may not remember when abortion was done illegally in back alleys with coat hangers.......... and a lot of young rising stars were extinguished because of this. There are enough problems now with infants born and left in dumpsters........this problem and the problem of young women dying due to non-sterile procedures would simply escalate.
However, looking further - at the state of the country and what candidate is best for our country, I can only say one thing - I wish that Sarah Palin were running for president. She would have my vote in a split second!
Yes, I'm aware she changed her mind on the Bridges to Nowhere. And your point would be what? That she will change her mind? Uh - most of us do. When one set of facts is presented, our minds go one way. When a subsequent set of facts is provided - our minds can change based on this new information - and this new information may not have been available at the time that the first set of facts was.......... Think about it.
This is a woman who will stand up for what she believes in. She has proved that. This is a woman who will not back down in a firefight. She has proved that too. This is a woman who can hold a demanding political position and STILL be a good mother.

Oh - wait - you want to air her 'dirty laundry' and discuss her pregnant teen daughter? I'm sorry, I agree with Mr. Obama on that one - the mistakes that the children make who are old enough to make their own decisions - should not reflect on the parents political ability. Further, the child has made the same decision the mother would have in choosing to keep the child and marry the father. This, I believe demonstrates the support of the family and the moral values with which the child was raised.

As mayor, she took a pay cut.
She created cuts in spending that got her government back on track both as mayor and governor. Those things call for a stiff spine! She fired people who were not living up to the expectations of honesty in public officials!
She is ready to open up the small portion of ANWR necessary to help lessen our dependancy on foreign oil.
She is a lifetime member and supporter of the NRA and the right of Americans to bear arms. While I'm far from a gun-toter myself, I agree with this stance. First: the vast majority of crimes are commtted by people who obtained their weapons illegally. This will occur no matter how much we regulate weapons. Secondly: negating the ability of Americans to own weapons legally creates a better black market for them and keeps more criminals in business. So, gun control is a good thing how? More gun safety courses - now THATS something I can go for! Accidents do happen! Innocent lives are lost - safety IS an issue.
And she has stated that Special Needs Children will have an advocate in the White House if she is elected. Hard to believe she would NOT follow through on that one since her youngest is a special needs child.
All in all - a good candidate for assisting in the running of our country, I'd say.

I was on the fence as to where my vote would be cast......for the militant male war hero or the man with the plan and no proof to puddin............ This, to me, was a choice of the lesser of two evils.
Now, I see a different choice - and a better one.