Sunday, August 11, 2013

A Postulation

Most people, myself included, prefer 'good' over 'evil'. Most people also try to be as good as they can be (considering we are all imperfect humans). Because we see both good and evil, and we mostly prefer good, we also wonder why, if evil is evil - why does it exist? Some go further and attempt to eradicate evil. 
So, what IS evil? and -what IS good? 
Further, how would one ever know something was "good" if there were no "evil" to compare it to? "Good" and "Evil" are concepts.... "Love" and "Hate" - these are emotions. They are also concepts. These words do not identify tangible things. You can not see, touch, hear, or smell any of these as they have no physical attributes. 
These words are humanity's best attempt at defining intangible concepts. 
Yet, every act, every thought, every thing, every view - these can all be viewed from different perspectives. Different perspectives shed different lights on things. A perspective can make good seem evil. A perspective can also make evil seem good.
Consider......... Mother Theresa - the majority world view of Mother Theresa was that of a good woman who dedicated her life to helping others. Yet, the 'Devils Advocate' was able to take many of her acts which appeared to most as acts of kindness - and turn them around to appear selfish and evil. (And before you jump up and down (as did I, at first) - remember that is what the Devils Advocate is SUPPOSED to do.) 
Consider........... Adolf Hitler - the majority world view of Adolf Hitler was that of a maniacal despot. Yet, his populace truly believed he was good. 
Two people. One which history remembers as 'Good' and the other which history remembers as 'Evil'.

The absence of all color, we define as white.
The presence of all color, we define as black.

Therefore, the presence of one concept indicates the absence of its antithesis. 
Doesn't it?

I would so like to change the world. I would so love all people to be good and kind to each other. To love one another as they love themselves. I would like "To teach the world to sing in perfect harmony".... Yet, if  dissonance were not present, how would I know what perfect harmony is? 

"To everything there is a season and a time for every purpose under heaven." 

My personal conclusions:
1.) Every concept is relative.
2.) Every concept is viewed differently by every person. This is directly due to conclusion 1.

3.) All concepts are compiled within each persons mind. 
4.) These personal concept definitions fluctuate due to constant new inputs. 
5.) It is neither possible nor advisable to rid the world of 'evil'. Without evil, we would not have any understanding of 'good'. Conversely, without 'good', there would be no understanding of 'evil'. 

Final Conclusion:
With all this in mind, it seems to me that the very best that humankind can aspire to is acceptance of our differences. Without these differences, we would be automatons.... robots. 


for ALL 