Thursday, December 18, 2014

Pro Choice

I am.

Why, you ask? How could someone as pacifistic as I be for the killing of unborn children. How can I support what amounts to murder?

How could I NOT support abortion.
How can YOU not support abortion.
Do you have any idea how many unwanted children there are?
Do you have any idea how many children are in foster care or in orphanages?
Until the system under which we theoretically 'protect' children is fixed, it is only pragmatic to support abortion.
For those casting judgement on those who would abort a fetus rather than subject that fetus to the probability that the child created will go from foster home to foster home OR WORSE - IF that child survives - I ask you to THINK logically and compassionately for a moment. Step outside of your religious dogma and think and feel for yourself.
We have a system which puts prospective adoptive parents through the wringer AT THEIR EXPENSE to determine whether they are fit parents for a child. If you have not adopted yourself or been close to someone who has while they were going through the process, you have NO IDEA what is involved. The adoptive costs are prohibitive enough that those who COULD afford to RAISE the child simply cannot afford the expense of ADOPTING the child. And the emotional heartache of the interviews required and in-depth background checks done on prospective parents - and the possibility that you could get all the way to meeting the child, holding him or her in your arms, and have the birth mother change her mind...... Do you have any idea what emotional toll this takes of a prospective adopting parent? Yes - these things HAPPEN. Do you know that when the child is transferred to your care - that is NOT 'final'? It is a year before that happens. A year in which you fall in love with your adoptive son or daughter, a year in which you care for them, read them stories, tuck them into bed, wake at the least little sound, sleep on the floor next to the crib when the child is sick - or stay up all night pacing to sooth a sick or teething or colicky baby. And the child that you are caring deeply for can still be taken from you.
How many children are placed under the auspices of an overworked government Child Services department. What kind of life do they have? Do they get love? Do they get a kiss and a story from a loving adult? Is there someone to "kiss the booboo and make it better"? Do they have an adoring adult to explain why the sky is blue? If they are EXTREMELY fortunate to be placed with foster parents whose hearts are welcoming - yes. The majority? Not a snowballs chance.
Is that what you want to give the unborn fetus? A chance at this? 
I have raised two children. The expense of children, as anyone who has them knows, is great. When you are adding diapers and formula to the weekly budget - that is hard. The gallons of milk and dance lessons and/or little league - sometimes prohibitive. BUT - when you do this on a daily basis, it can be budgeted in. A parent tries to start saving for college when the child is born. Again - an added expense - but, on a daily basis - manageable.
But when one has to initially outlay as much as one might on a new car or an entire year of college at an Ivy League school to adopt the child - the cost becomes prohibitive - and left to those who can manage finances well or are in the upper end of middle class. As I said before - I have raised two children. I'm a LOUSY money manager who can't manage to hold on to two plug nickles - BUT - my children NEVER lacked for anything. No - they don't have Alienware computers..... but, they sure do have computers - a necessity for school today. No - they don't have Jordan sneakers - but they DO have sneakers that are clean and fit comfortably. No - they don't have Prime Rib for dinner, but you should see what I can do with a bottom round London broil and some fresh vegetables. If God had not seen fit to bless me with children of my own, could I have adopted? No. Not a snowballs chance in hell. Fortunately for both me and my two children, He DID see fit to bless me. And they ARE a blessing! But - could I have adopted? My heart is certainly big enough to adopt. Obviously, I can provide for a child. But, could I have saved the money to adopt a child before I was no longer capable of parenting him or her? Nope. How many other potential parents are out there that can provide for a child but not adopt? How many prospective parents are available for infants, but laws are so restrictive here that they go overseas? Once a child gets "into the system" - what becomes of them? Do you have any idea what an orphanage is like? I don't. I do know that I would not want to see a child in one. By virtue of the fact that there are many children to one adult, there is no way that there can be the kind of individual attention that a child in a parental home would have. And what happens to a child raised in an orphanage or in foster care when they turn 18? Do you know? I don't - but I can make a guess....  "See ya - wouldn't want to be ya". '
Is that what you want to give the unborn fetus? A chance at this?
Do you really think that an unwanted fetus will have more? Please take the rose-colored glasses off and wake up - the chances of that are slim to none. The stories of Cinderella and Snow White are just that - stories. Only a handful of these rejected children will have a happy life.
Have you thought about the child of rape? (and if you think such a thing as 'legitimate rape' exists, then please take yourself OFF my friends list - you are too ignorant to be a friend of mine.) Have you thought about the child of incest? Or the child of a mother addicted to ? (fill in blank with your choice of oft-abused drug). Or the children of prostitutes? Or the children of a child-mother? Are any of these choices better than aborting a fetus? Do you REALLY think that these children will turn out just fine? Happy, well-adjusted, well-educated?  Do you really think this is better than not being born at all? Look deep into your soul and heart.....

Is there pain for an aborted fetus? I don't know. I don't think the experts really know either. One can only die once. Once born, one can 'die' millions of times........... Is that a good thing? I don't believe so.
Yes, its a hard thing to swallow. I don't like the idea of taking a life - especially not if one can feel the pain of crossing over to death. Heck, even the thought of putting my animals to sleep when they are in too much pain makes me cry for years...  But - if the life that they are condemned to is one of  continuous emotional pain, of constant rejection - is that reasonable? Is it fair. Will that child thank you for its life of misery? Is it only the life? Or does the quality of life have meaning?

If quality of life has any meaning at all - Pro choice is the ONLY option - at least until we have a way of matching up a child that needs parents with parents that WANT  a 'forever' child!