Wednesday, July 29, 2015

For Cecil

Once upon a time a long time ago, I read a book called Bless the Beasts and Children. It became a movie with the title song of the same name being sung by the Carpenters. Sadly, that was when I learned that people kill animals for the pure enjoyment of doing so. I have listened to hunters tell me of their exploits and even showing me pictures - all while quietly vomiting into my hand. I try very hard not to put others down for any reason - after all, who am I to judge? It is not my life. I do not know what drives them or why. And certainly, I have many faults of my own which others find incomprehensible. 

Once upon a time not all that long ago, we had to (and some societies still do) hunt for food. I understand this. These same people will also take each part of the animal not used for food and re-purpose it for other things such as blankets, shoes, carry-alls, hair ties, etc. While I do not like the taking of ANY life for ANY reason - survival is understandable. That is the way of nature - survival of the fittest. This is not wasteful. This is natural. No - I do not LIKE it - but, I understand it and I can accept it. 

I have also NOT posted on many controversial issues because of the potential for my opinion to be used against me - in the job market or otherwise. I have played it 'safe'. 
However.......... "the time has come, the walrus said, to speak of many things......." 
Today, I will no longer vomiting quietly into my hand.
Today I am going to be VERY LOUD be because I wish TO BE HEARD by anyone who will listen. (sadly, of course, those who will listen, for the most part, will NOT be those who need to hear - however, what needs to be said needs to be said. 
It isn't the first time I have done this - nor will it be the last. 


An open letter to Hunters who hunt for SPORT. 

This is NOT a sport. A sport is 'fair competition'  between 2 or more living beings. The purpose of this fair competition is to show off ones prowess at a particular thing. To show that one has a better eye, is in better physical shape, or can do different things better than others. This type of fair competition is held on grounds and terms that level the playing field for all participants. 

Taking lives is NOT A SPORT!  

Taking lives is NOT a competition. 
Taking the life of an animal has a proven connection to taking the lives of people. 
Taking lives for fun proves that life is NOT sacred - that life means nothing!
If you can take a life for fun - why don't you join ISIS? 
Taking lives for FUN is something that we DID do - remember the original purpose of the Coliseum in Rome? 

If you wish to prove your prowess - please feel free to make more clay pigeons. If you MUST prove your prowess by firing at a moving target - try Paintball. Or any one of a million carnival games - you will spend a WHOLE LOT LESS MONEY that way too! 

You do not prove your prowess when you take an animals life for fun.
You do you impress me when you take a life FOR NO OTHER REASON than to prove that you can.
This is NOT a good thing. It does NOT thrill or excite me to see another trophy head on your wall.   

Did you stop to think about the fawns hidden in a glade 3/4 of a mile away from where you KILLED THEIR MOTHER?
Did you stop to think about the cubs who are now subject to infanticide since they no longer have the protection of the ruling male of their pride?
You don't take JUST ONE LIFE when you hunt an animal - you take MANY. And the innocent ones - the ones who are left behind - they die by starvation. They die alone, in pain, in fear. OH - wait - you don't think animals can feel........  Come out from under your rock - they most certainly DO feel. They feel the physical pain. They feel the emotional pain. Does this make you feel good? Do you feel strong and invincible? Powerful? 

Taking a life proves that you care NOTHING for animals. 

Taking a life proves that you care NOTHING for .....................