Wednesday, July 23, 2008

A Bicycle Built for....................YOU?

This week, it appears that oil is taking a turn for the worse. Bad for the oil moguls. Good for the general populace....... Oil is now almost 25$ off or less than its high of a week ago. This means that all of the by-products of oil - including gasoline - will also come down in price. Of course, if you live in Connecticut - you know that our gasoline prices go up faster and come down slower than the other 49 states. We don't have an understanding of why that phenomena is - just that it IS.....

The price of oil and its counterpart - gasoline - has forced some changes on all of us. Certainly, no one's paychecks are going up commensurate with the price of consumables. So, we must all tighten our belts a bit in many places.

As a single mom of two very active kids, it is difficult at best to get the kids everywhere they have to go when they need to be there. To do so without the assistance of a gasoline-powered vehicle, harder still. Yes, I could trade my current gas-guzzler in for a hybrid - with college for one child looming, I really cannot afford to do so - especially not a hybrid which is significantly more initially. And, of course, NOT using a car is NOT an option. At least not most of the time.

There are those times, though, when the errand I am running only involves me. And it may be only to pick up one or two things. So, this winter, I went to the local discount store and purchased this:

A nifty little invention - and in PURPLE too - this dragons FAVORITE color!
I also purchased this other little dynomite thing to go with it:
Neat, aren't they?

So - I suppose you are thinking to yourself - "Gee, self, that kinda looks like more work than I wanna do." Or perhaps you are thinking, "and HOW do you bring milk or bread back from the store???"

Well - to answer the first question - it is a lot of work. But its GOOD work! Note the headphones on the helmet? I can put my very favorite tunes on my mp3 player, clip it to my shirt, plug the headphones in - and - INSTANT RADIO! Dragon Style! The headphones are on the helmet - NOT on my ears so I can hear the tunes I want to hear and still hear traffic!
Start small.... just around the block at first. And then expand in ever-widening circles. It does not take long - even for this ancient dragon - to get accustomed to pedaling 8 miles or more in any given day. I get to "take time to smell the roses" - I see things that I would NEVER see in a car. It DOES take me longer to get to my destination - but I get there - and in better shape than when I left. are still wondering about transporting things?............... I was too. For a long time. And then I bought a camera - and I wanted to be able to take it with me - because I enjoy snapping pictures. But, I have a BIG camera - not one of those neat little compact things..... And what about taking a blanket to the beach? And sunscreen? And my water? And then it hit me - a backpack! For just a few dollars, I purchased a pink (there WASN'T any purple GRRRR) backpack. I can fit EVERYTHING I could ever want in it! And, when I want to run to the local sub shop and pick up a sub, I can empty the beach towels out and there is plenty of room for subs...... Same for running to the corner store for bread or milk.

For the times that I actually use this two-wheeled vehicle to provide transportation (as opposed to riding for exercise or enjoyment), I really do not save a lot. But, when combined with other methodologies, a definite savings can be recognized.

And that is all for today.
More to come.........


Intensely said...

Can you pedal to lighthouse point park???? We should meet up @ the beach one of these wknds!!

Lakshmi A said...

This is interesting! :D