Tuesday, February 24, 2009

And the good news..........

Number 1 daughter MADE HONORS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Her LOWEST mark was in Physics - a B+!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THIS is what I always knew she could do! Her mid-term exams were the same - lowest mark was a B.... It just does NOT get any better than this!

Number 1 son.... up and down and up and down .......... when he tries, he does very well... For instance - his Science Fair project - he got a 99! Now, he is doing a book report on a book he actually read (mom was VERY surprised! usually - he reads Cliff notes and calls it a day) on Sojourner Truth. Now, I never expected him to stick to and read the whole thing but he did - and wrote a good description of the book and her life and then a dissertation on "Why Sojourner Truth deserved a book about her". Both were excellent - and I have to admit that in talking with him about this, I learned quite a bit about this extraordinary woman.......... Today - he goes into school and must deliver a speech dressed as Sojourner might have dressed. He must tell about her life in the first person. After our long discussion last night, I think he will do quite well.

The first month at the new company has passed.... it was so very quick. And truthfully, not much has changed... I have picked up one or two new responsibilities, trained new people to take over other functions, been shuffled to a new boss twice, cried thru the exit interview (its a good thing that I had the mute button and did not really need to respond to my director in Atlanta, GA), found my way through yet another payroll system, still winding my way through the benefits system, and waiting for the pension (which they now tell me won't be available till the END of April......slow......very very slow).
I don't know whether I told you this but, in the process of diagnosing my children with ADD/ADHD, our therapist also diagnosed the MotherHenDragon with ADD..... I am on the same medication as my children. This has opened up a huge door for me! It is quite amazing to see what one can do when one can actually concentrate! We had a problem with one of our systems.....took quite a few of us working feverishly to figure out what was wrong. We realized that what was wrong could not be fixed immediately - but, now we needed a workaround in order to finish our process.... The workaround was rather lengthy (by todays standard) and required about 15 scripts - different groups for different pieces of the process. As people were firing verbal specifications at me, I was able to actually code the scripts.... run them, provide answers to questions, numbers and percentages processed and keep track of where we were in the process............ We finished in the early hours of the morning. A day or so later, when I sat back and thought of all that I had been able to accomplish, I was in awe. I know that I could not have done this 6 months ago. The intelligence I have. The focus I did not have. This was very true of my daughter too. In a way it is sad....had I known and been treated all those years ago when I wasn in school, things could have and probably would have turned out very different for me. But, alas, one cannot go backward. Only forwards..... So.....imagine what I can accomplish now?!?!?!?

Other Thread: Sojourner was NOT her slave name as I had thought all these years. She was a Northern slave, born and raised in New York to a couple - Elizabeth and James Baumfree. The name given her at birth was Isabella Baumfree. As most slaves did, she had a hard life, the requisite beatings and breedings - even being a northern slave. But she rose above all of it, eventually gaining her freedom, winning a court battle to gain freedom for her eldest son Peter (sold illegally), owning her own home - not once but SEVERAL times. In an era where everything a woman had was through a man, that this woman, of African descent no less, owned her own home on her own is nothing short of amazing! Further, she was active not only in the anti-slavery moment, but in the womens suffrage movement. I had the opportunity to read her speech, "Ain't I a woman" - quite stirring!
A very long time ago, when I was in school, equal rights was in it infancy and we did not spend a whole lot of time dwelling on what is today called Black History. Obviously, we missed out on a great deal. I am glad that our children today are given the opportunity to read about ALL the people who have made a real difference EQUALLY.


Sultan said...

Right on! Redux.

Anonymous said...

whew such teeny print!
I am glad the add meds are working for you- The dr put my sister on something like ridalin & can always tell when she is on it because she shakes her leg to death. We were in the movie theater & she shook the entire row of seats! You are on something much better.