Thursday, March 24, 2011

Long time, no visit....

Well... it would appear that my friends have shamed me into blogging once more. See?
They are all staring at me!

It has been a long time since I did this.... expressed an opinion or updated on family... or, well - anything.
Its been a very busy few years of growing and learning.... and experiencing - well - lots.
It is spring - and this spring I have decided, once again, to make some changes for the better. I have learned that the sun is very important to me.... it has a lot to do with my mood, my physical condition, how I feel.....

In that time, I have also learned that the MOST important thing to me is my family - specifically my children. Oh - they are much bigger than 'children' - good grief, one is an adult! (So they tell me... that chronological thing).
I have also learned that blood IS MUCH thicker than water. And when it comes down to anyone or anything versus my kids - my kids win. Hands down.

I have learned that the support I need will never ever come from the places I have looked.
But it does come - from the places it always has.
And sometimes from places that you don't expect.

These were good lessons.

And I have also learned that I still like to write.
And photograph.


Seeking Serenity said...

My heart leaped when I saw you had posted! Oh, it is SO good to see you once again ((HUG))

Sultan said...

Learning and growing are fine things.