Friday, April 01, 2011

My First Kiss

I can hear you all thinking 'Really? How romantic!' or 'April Fool'!!! Let me start by telling you this is neither..... We have had 3 bunnies in the past few years. All 'rescue's, all cute, and all with different personalities. The current bunny - Timothy - is the only one I have been personally responsible for bringing into the house. Two years ago or so, my bff started to volunteer at a local animal shelter. About a week into her time there, they received a bunny - Timothy. And she insisted that I at least meet him. I had absolutely NO intention of bringing home another rabbit - but, I had to at least meet him. So, I went to the shelter where they got the rabbit out of the cage he was in and put him in a room with me. I sat on the floor thinking that might make him more comfortable and allow him to get my scent. I assumed that, as rabbits are rather shy creatures, it would take him some time to get up the nerve to come see who I was. Well, I was most definitely wrong - Timothy R. Rabbit hopped right over to me and sat with his nose almost in my lap. So, I petted him. And he stayed. And I petted him some more..... and he stayed. It took him almost 20 minutes for his curiousity to get the best of him and begin to explore the room - he was most content to allow me to stroke his head and ears for just about ever. Of course, Timothy R. Rabbit came home with me. I am always a sucker for a furry face! Over the course of my adult life, I have probably spent more time sleeping on couches than in beds... for various reasons. And I am currently sleeping on one now.......... that is a story for another day. Timothy is not a very secure bun - so he stays where there are rugs - which means the living room and dining room. Now that I am sleeping downstairs, he can visit whenever he likes. And believe me - he LIKES! His current 'thing' is to wait for me (impatiently circling my feet) to make up my bed and get in. He then jumps up on top of me for a petting session. He does this last thing before I go to sleep at night and the second my alarm goes off in the morning. Last night, he did his usual - and I did mine. I happened to be a bit more tired than normal so, as I was petting him, I was also drifting off to nod-land.... and slowly ......... stopped ................petting..... Timothy started to sniff.... my hair, my face, my nose.... back off, and come sniff again. And then I felt this little tongue... on my nose! My very first BUNNY KISS!
And fell in love with Mr. Timothy R. Rabbit all over again!

1 comment:

Seeking Serenity said...

aaaawwww!!! they have the most darling little tongue!! mommy, you ok? :D