Sunday, May 15, 2011


For a few years now, I had thought that when my children were grown and I could choose where I would live, I should go north. I had pretty much decided on a small coastal town in Maine. 
Also for a few years now, I have been visiting a dear friend in New Jersey on a fairly regular basis. Odd that my ex-husband is the one that introduced her to me. We have much different and much in common. I relax and enjoy every time I am down there. 
I also have specific preferences in music. While I enjoy almost every type - it is that 'Jersey sound' that attracts me the most. 
One more digression - and I promise this will all make sense..... there IS a point to the rambling.  
I have experienced 'Deja Vu' only once in my life.  The experience of going somewhere you have never physically been but have seen and felt exactly in your mind - and somehow, it is comfortable. In 1983, Atlantic City was in the process of being reborn. The Playboy Club, The Golden Nugget, and Bally's all offered bus trips. I went on one of these day trips with my parents and aunt and uncle. At that point in my life, I had never been further south of Connecticut than New York City. Yet, as the bus passed through the marshland prior to coming into Atlantic City............ I knew with absolute certainty that I HAD been there before..... that I had been there and been comfortable there....deja vu.....

On my way down to Jersey this time, the closer I got, the more comfortable I got.... the lighter the invisible weight on my shoulders felt.  This time too, Ava did not feel well Sunday - so I went off on my own for a bit..... when I was done visiting the ruined ecosystem of Raritan bay (lead spill) - I just started to drive..... and drive... and drive. over Outerbridge Crossing, thru Old Bridge .... down Old Bridge turnpike..... for miles and miles and well - all the way to Rutgers.... and then back to Sayreville. The more I drive, the more comfortable I get.... 
I know that I never want to be far from the shore.
I know that I never want to be where it never snows.
I know that I never want to be where there are fewer seasons.
I know that I do NOT want to be in a 'city'.
I know that I do not ever want to miss autumn.
I know that I do not wish to be where tornados and/or hurricanes are the rule rather than the exception. 
An as John Cafferty and the Beaver Brown Band (yes, I know they are native 'Rhode Islanders -  but they embody that "Jersey" sound) played on my radio the other day, I knew where I had to settle and spend my 'golden years'.  I will never be far from the 'City that Never Sleeps'. I will never be far from my family or where I was born.... but, Connecticut, for all its beauty, is NOT where I need to be. 
Now comes the fun part - figuring out WHERE..... The when will happen when it does.... but the where - now I can plan.....  how the next stage of my life will go. 

Oh - yes, and I will go into the next stage of my life SOLO. Happily. Sans mate. Happily.
I have my friends. I have GOOD friends - the majority are female. Some that I have never met face to face..... yet - they ARE good friends! And I think I finally have it - I wanted to have it before - but I didn't quite have it..... Me. I am very good company. I like to do a lot of stuff. I like to do a lot of stuff with NO ONE. And I have my friends when I want to do stuff that we BOTH like to do and when we BOTH want to be with each other. 
I never understood why my maiden aunt was happy and ok with BEING a 'maiden' aunt.
I didn't quite get why my mother-in-law never wanted to remarry..... or live with anyone. Or even date..... 
I get it now.... It's cuz we are fun all by ourselves. And that's enough.


Seeking Serenity said...

Oh what a wonderful feeling when you go somewhere and it feels like "home"
I felt that way when I went to San Diego-I could have never come back, even for my belongings.
My heart/spirit sang!
I agree with your list! I know that you can still have no winter but have fall because I witnessed it in CA so that must exist elsewhere. You will find it.
Happy with ones self is great,me too.

Sultan said...

Having lived for a long time in NJ I can say that it is much nicer than it seems.

Finding your center at any point in time is a worthy accomplishment.

Haphazardkat said...

You are such a wonderful person who is filled with a need to wring the passion from life. It is no small wonder that you can be happy just being with yourself :)
I too have had the deja vou..when i was living in holland and saw the island of urk for the first time. I knew what was around each corner. I lived there for several months and never lost that deja vou experience. Peace to you my friend :)