Tuesday, May 17, 2011


Why is it that those who have little or no experience at things perceive themselves to be experts. Why do those so-called experts feel they not only have the right to judge you but to tell you what it is that you are doing wrong? And further - that they, who have talked to others and read treatises on the internet but not DONE this thing seem to feel that they are without a doubt, RIGHT?

These same people seem to feel that the world is black and white with specific lines when judging others - yet, gray with no lines when judging themselves.
When things do not go their way - well, then, that is simply not right.
And their own pasts - checkered as they may be - must NOT be held up to the same scrutiny as they hold others. For their past is in the past. But since issues bother them NOW, despite that these things occurred in the past, they are therefore, fair game for today.
Some of these same people then become 'martyrs' in fear for their lives? Seriously? And they persuade others that they are, of course, justified.
Others go on with the life they intended all along but you were not supposed to know about. And persuade others that they, too, are justified.

I am not saying that everyone else is wrong and I am right. No no no - I am so far from perfect that I amaze myself. In fact, the older I get, the more I realize that I do NOT know..... and never will.

What I am saying is that until you have taken a good hard look at yourself, accepting that you are human, that you have faults, and that you do NOT KNOW THAT WHICH YOU HAVE NOT EXPERIENCED, you have no right to pass judgement on me.
And when you have perfected yourself and experienced all - then sit judgement.
But you still have no right to cast that stone unless you are without sin.....

In the words of Joe South:
"Walk a mile in my shoes
 Walk a mile in my shoes
 And before you accuse, criticize and abuse, WALK A MILE IN MY SHOES"!


Haphazardkat said...

It is difficult. We all need validation. When we smack up against judgment it robs us of that.
I think you are wonderful :)

Sultan said...

Well said. As I have gotten older I have stopped listening to people who are not intelligent and kind. This has been a good thing.