Saturday, May 28, 2011

R They SERIOUS???????

They are at it again.... now they have enlisted the help of the US Government. The 'Digital Police'.. You can read about it here.
So, our government - which has more crises than it can handle has chosen to pour our tax dollars into supporting/enforcing American business's digital rights - the SAME American businesses that will NOT hire here in the US despite having the financial solidarity to do so (some courtesy of tax dollars).
These businesses are claiming that digital piracy is putting multitudinous Americans out of work.....  Somehow, I do not think that this piracy is putting quite as many Americans out of work as outsourcing, offshoring, and basic corporate greed.
This, in my opinion, is right up there with the lunacy of limiting sales of over-the-counter medications containing pseudoephedrine. This was done to stop the meth labs... The meth labs are doing just fine - they have found other methods and other chemicals that work just as well. Law abiding allergy sufferers, however, have not.
Any other opinions out there?


Seeking Serenity said...

I knew tv & movie people were angry about loss of clients but this

justYourAverageGeek said...

I wish they (the govt) got this riled up over and put as much work into preventing identity theft - including punishing the offenders. This - what you write about - is probably easier to do.