Tuesday, July 24, 2012

A question

Once upon a time, there was this war - it was maybe around 148 years ago or so. The war was one of the worst kinds you can have - that brother fighting brother thing was not a myth.
Anyway, there was this guy in a tall hat was the president at the time. He gave a speech one day. It was kind of interesting because in the speech, there were these words that he used - and are still used today to define the type of government that the United States of America is supposed to have.  So, this speechifying  thing - it was given from a place called Gettysburg in the state of Pennsylvania.
This man's definition went like this: "We here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain, that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom; and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth". 
So, I have a question... in 148 years - what the hell happened?

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

So, you were wondering

Why I mentioned Tigger's love of water, morning toilette, and the catchers-mitt style paws, eh?

As I mentioned earlier, my boys and I had a morning routine which pretty much involved making me as late to work keeping mom at home as long as possible!
Now, there were many ways to do this including just plain being cute - which, of course, they were masters of. 

But the very BEST way was to wait until I was brushing my teeth - which was the LAST thing that I did before leaving for work. This meant that the toilette was totally complete - the hair was perfectly styled, the make-up on perfectly, glasses completely spotless, suit or dress immaculate..... get the picture? 

At the brush-the-teeth point, 1/2 of the Inspection Committee gave up the ghost. Cuddles would jump down off the vanity and begin to hunt for the perfect 'nap spot'. Tigger did not move. Well...ok, he did not go searching for 'nap spot'. He did move...
The process for brushing ones teeth usually involved leaving the water (cold) running for the purpose of rinsing. Now, in order to ensure that one does not drool on ones perfectly-made-up chin, one must put ones face down into the bowl of the sink - fairly close to aforementioned running water.... close enough for cat-with-catchers-mitts-for-paws to put one very carefully placed paw underneath the spigot in such a manner that THE WATER SPRAYED THE ENTIRE BATHROOM SOAKING EVERYTHING IN A 5 FOOT RADIUS. This, of course, included me. 
Forcing a completely new toilette and outfit..........
And 45 minutes more of Mom's company..
Ah......... the sweet smell of success!

Monday, July 16, 2012

Still another Tigger Chapter

The 3 of us lived in quiet companionship breezing through our days happily. Over time, we developed our daily routine.
After a blissful night of sleep, the sun rose and my two children herded escorted me to the kitchen where they patiently waited for breakfast. Of course, they were only patient as long as I did not attempt to fix my coffee first. Once they had their soft food laid down, I was allowed to fix my coffee and attempt to shower and get ready for work. Of course – this process requires feline assistance.
Cuddles liked to sit on the hamper and play the game of ‘Beaver Slap’. This is usually played with both human hands and both front feline paw. Both parties make sort of a wheel-like motion in attempt to hit each other gently. Now, this game is usually played until one of the two parties – usually the feline – gets bored. Cuddles was very responsive to humans and the sound of ‘OW!’ was enough to get him to retract his claws if they happened to extend during the game. Tigger had no such restraints… hence my hands often looked like  shaved steaks.
Tiggers source of major amusement was water.
He loved it.
Faucets dripping, running, showers, toilets flushing – LOVED them! They were exciting sources of never-ending entertainment.
I’m going to remind you that this cat had SIX toes. If you’ve never seen a six-toed cat – how about the description of ‘Catchers Mitt’?
Having finished my toilette and dressed, I would attempt to put the finishing touches on – the makeup….. Generally I had one (male) feline on either side of the vanity ensuring that I (a female) placed the makeup on my face perfectly. My inspectors would watch carefully as I applied the base, blush, eyeliner, eye shadow etc….  If an error was made, my inspectors were sure to let me know with a quick swat of paws ensuring that I would need to start from scratch. This ‘inspection’ served a more evil purpose….. my darling sweet furbabies wanted me at home as long as possible – therefore, the more they ‘inspected’, the longer I remained home…….
Now, most days I passed inspection – much to their dismay. And briefcase over shoulder, I would head out the door to my home away from home.
Upon returning home from work – my children – who heard me coming from a great distance – would arise from their naps to greet me in the kitchen. There, I would give them the kisses and scritches  that they so richly deserved.
Of course, when  feline is told they are forbidden from doing something – it is the thing they MUST DO AT ALL COSTS!  This became yet another way in which my two furbabies conspired to have me leave the house later than I planned. – by ducking into the walk-in closet and hiding….. Which, of course, forced me to stop and look for them, pick them up and CARRY them out …  While one was being carried out, of course, the other was sneaking in…
In 1986, there happened to be a strike. As a manager, I was required to work long hours to assist in maintaining  'business-as-usual'. This meant that I was often gone from home for 16 hours a day (travel time included). 
One fine day, I left early in the morning, believing (mistakenly, as usual) that I had won the 'Closet' game (see above). I reached home at midnite and walked in expecting GREETING to take place. When it didn't - I became very concerned. I walked down the hall to the bedroom - hearing a very faint but plaintive 'mrower'. It took me awhile to realize that that sad little meow meant that I had lost the 'Closet' game.... BADLY! As I walked down the hall to let him out, I walked by the bathroom... and noticed a strip of something under my feet. However, I did not stop (at this point) to look closely as my priority was to let Cuddles out of the prison he had been in for 16 hours at this point! Poor little guy! Expecting puddles of piddle and other 'gifts' - I opened the door. He beat the fastest retreat ever - brushing my legs as a quick 'hi' - and racing right to the litter box! I was amazed to discover he had only left a small puddle the size of a quarter - that little boy had held EVERYTHING ALL DAY!!!!!! How AMAZING was that?! I was so proud of him - I started back down the hall to get some treats for my little boy .. and ... looked .. down... finally .... and looked carefully at the strips under my feet. They were pink. Funny... my bathroom toilet paper is pink. . . . . . . . . . 
Following the trail of 'strips' - I enter the living room and turn on the light to discover that my demur decor now has PINK STRIPES of toilet paper running ALL THROUGH IT!!!!!!!!!! 
And then I go to the bathroom.........

Every shampoo, condtioner, soap and towel that had been on the lip of the tub was IN the tub. EVERY Q-tip had been REMOVED from the box (of 500) and either cleverly hidden or beaten to death. (Did I mention that Tigger liked Q-tips?) The hamper was pushed toward the tub by several feet. The wastebasket was tipped over. The rug had been pushed so that it was tucked between the toilet and tub. Everything that was on top of the toilet tank was now UNDER it. And the piece de resistance? The vanity / sink - ALL ITEMS from top were now IN sink with the ash tray remains as the topping! 
Oh yes - and there was absolutely NO TOILET PAPER LEFT ON THE ROLL!
How DARE Mom lock his BEST buddy in the closet all day and leave him NO ONE TO PLAY WITH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The NERVE of her!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Tigger again

Just in case you forgot the setup of my car/apartment at the time, or who Tigger is  - you can read about it here.   

One day in the spring, I came home from work. As usual, my two boys rushed from wherever they had been for the last 9 hours to the kitchen for the extended and very necessary GREETING.
GREETING consists of both boys running out amid meeps of joy for scritches and laying down on opposing ends of the kitchen to see how far Mom can stretch her arms - causing me to drop briefcase and purse and fall down attempting desperately to reach both boys at the same time in order to avoid the 'Jellybean' syndrome. ('Jellybean' - a 'family' term used to mean jealous - something that every cat person knows cats are NOT. (cough cough)). GREETING also often consisted of roll-overs.... especially with Tigger who loved his belly scritched. 
So, of course, when Tigger did extensive and extended 'roll-overs' continuously on that particular day, I really didn't think too much of it. At least, not until I heard the muffled 'bzz bzzzz bz'.... And he continued to rollover and purr. Cuddles sat up like a proper cat and just looked askance at Tigger... who continued to rollover and purr.... and emit 'bzz bz bzzzz' sounds from underneath him... 
Eventually, of course, GREETING was over and it was time for the boys to move on and play until supper time. 
And Tigger arose from his lounging position on my kitchen floor to reveal.......

        ......................H U G E ......................

                                     B U M B L E B E E ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 

Took me a little while to calm down.
Did I mention that I am deathly afraid of allergic to bees?
Of course, once calm,  I promptly removed it from my sphere of existence. 

And that, I thought, was the end of that........

BUT WAIT - THERE'S MORE!!!!!!!!!!! (no - this isn't a Ginsu commercial....) 

Off my boys go to play.... and I begin to get comfortable for the evening - and of course, get their dinner ready.  They played, I thought, in the living room...... When I came back out of the bedroom into the living room - they were sitting in front of my loveseat. Both of them. Intently staring at the flap (dust ruffle?) at the bottom of the loveseat. Of course... I (stupidly) wondered what could possibly keep them so entranced ...... and bent over with flashlight in hand, lifted up the dust flap and, once again heard 'bz bzzz bzz'!
Yep - you guessed it - Out comes Bumblebee number TWO!!!!!!!!!!
Now, bumblebees (thankfully) tend to be a bit slow in the early spring....
Tigger thought this was GREAT fun! MORE MOVING TOYS!!!!!!!!!! WHOO HOO! He stared at the poor bumblebee which attempted a sputtering take off, waited till it got about 3 inches into the air, lifted that huge 6-toed catchers mitt of his and THWACKed the poor bee which landed on the carpet spitting 'bzz bzbzzz'.... (cue extremely small birdies chirping and flying in circles over bumblebee head). 
After a moment or two, Mr. Bumbles brains unscrambled enough to attempt another sputtering take-off.... Bumble sped down the runway in his mind picking up speed... faster and faster and finally LIFT OFF ..... up  - up  - up  - T H W A C K ! ! ! !  and cue birdies again.... 
Four fumbling attempts at take-off later - this Bumblebee was also removed from my sphere of existence.

I also found the space between apartment wall and window where they were getting in and sealed that.

Still more recommended reading

I have begun reading book 2. So far - it is as captivating as book 1!

Photography and vacations

So, yesterday was the start of my vacation.... for my first day off - I ate everything that is bad for me, took my son out to get sneakers (spent 100$ more than I should have), spent time with my girlfriends dog - we even snoozeled together! :) 
And read a lot of photography tips, techniques, how-to's. In reading all this, I realized that I inherently knew most of what the photographers were talking about - I just didn't know enough of the 'technical' stuff to put it into words. I discovered that I'm in the minority - a large minority - but a minority nonetheless - that shoot manual. I thought all photographers did.... but, no - apparently, "Aperture Priority" is the favorite.... why? Being a control-freak of sorts - I have no idea why.... 
Took one class years ago, learned how to take the camera OFF Auto and I've never used anything but Manual since... 
I also have learned in talking to other photographers and in my readings that all good photographs that you see online have SOME post-processing done. This was a BIG eye-opener for me. I had thought that I might never get to be 'as good' as ... well - ANYone...  And then I started to really look and talk to people. I discovered that what most photographers do is they work to get the picture as perfect on the camera itself as they possibly can. Most also shoot in 'RAW' mode - which means there is NO compression of the digital image and no processing of the image within the camera to format it in any way.  This allows for better editing. Which is the third step. Lightroom seems to be the favorite post-processing software. I do not have the money for Lightroom (its pricey - very good, but pricey). 
But I do have Photoshop - which I purchased. I also have access to Picassa - Googles editing software - which is free. 
Both software pkgs have some nice fine - tuning controls - which I have yet to master. But - I'm LEARNING! 
In any field, we have plateaus and hills. I think I've begun the climb to the next plateau. 

Friday, July 13, 2012


I am about to do something that, in all my years of blogging, I do not believe I have ever done. I have been afraid of doing so as I am very aware that once posted, it is a public matter - regardless of how many read or comment - what I write is out there forever.
For the first time, I truly WANT my opinion out there.
Occupy ____________ (insert whatever location you desire).
So many have said that its all about young people looking for a hand out. So many  have said that they don't know what they want, they are not organized.
For the disbelievers, for those that do not see a message, for those that see only the young demanding entitlement - listen closer. Read more. Yes READ. But not the 'Mainstream Media' - for they have CHOSEN to NOT report or UNDER-report the GOOD of Occupy. They report only when Occupiers run afoul of the law.

Yes, they do have a message.  And it is simple. The system is 99% broke and needs to be fixed.
What needs to be fixed, you ask? Many things. Everything.
The system caters to the whims and desires of the few while leaving the needs of the many behind. The pyramid of cards needs to be fixed from the ground up - not the top down. Consider the flower...... a plant. Does one water the flower? Yes - but that is not where the plant gains its nutrients. Water on TOP of the flower, in fact, can kill it if exposed to sunlight as the water acts as a magnifier and burns that which it on. The water which soaks into the ground is what nourishes the plant - taken in by its root system.... at the bottom of the plant. This is how one grows things and how one builds things..... not from the top down. A plant, a building, a society, a government, a country........ all must have a solid foundation. A foundation which must be continually cared for - or it will fall apart, die, wither away, crumble..... The foundation. The 99%.
Start there.
Not at the top..... not at Wall St. Nor General Motors or Citigroup or Wells Fargo......
The 'Occupy'ers have often met with violence at the hands of law enforcement spurred by local politics....  While the movement has been at pains to keep itself non-violent, police have been called out in force and in riot gear to stand guard. What is it they are standing guard for? What are they waiting for? Some have not waited - some have began the violence. Why? The Occupy'ers understood and understand that violence is NOT the way to solve issues. They understand that violence only begets more violence. In no way does it bring about a solution.
Let me lay something out on the table right here and now. Wall St - and all the other stock exchanges world wide are nothing more than casinos. The largest gambling organization in the world. Do any of you have any clue how many ways there are to gamble in the stock market? I know only a very few........... but, I know I can take money that exists AND I CAN TAKE MONEY THAT DOES NOT EXIST and bet it all on something........ Now - if I 'win', I get my money AND the profit on both. If I lose, however - all that money that didn't exist before now exists......... and I OWE that money.......  My 'bets' can be bets on bets that someone else made.... My bets can be on bets that won't be made for months yet.....  And whether I win or lose is not truly dependent on how well a company does - much of it is computer controlled! Anyone remember the flash crash? A computer that just couldn't handle every bet it was being asked to...... and, well - the domino effect.....
Education - its required for a 'good' job. Really? Why? Except for SOME (not all) careers in the scientific, medical, engineering, and legal fields - why? Most jobs can be LEARNED VERY well - WITHOUT the 'benefit' of a 4 year degree - 2 years of which are 'Liberal Arts' - basic math, English, etc. Answer: money. Education is a HUGE money-maker. Look around you - see where the new construction is - at UNIVERSITIES!  Yet, there are kids that graduate from college that cannot construct a coherent English sentence! Conversely, there are people that graduate from college with a MASTERS degree (in something other than "Greek Mythology" ) and cannot find work. And then to have CEO's say, "I can't find people with the skills and knowledge here in the US". SERIOUSLY?????
Housing..... so, we bailed out the banks that held the mortgages - that WROTE the mortgages. Had these banks actually LOOKED carefully at the qualifications of the mortgagee's they were giving mortgages to - they would NEVER have issued the mortgage. So... now that the banks are once again on 'solid' financial footing - what are they doing? Recouping the losses at the expense of the people THEY gave mortgages to. So, for the BANKS 'error in judgement',  the homes of good, honest people are being lost. And to WHAT exactly?????? FOR WHAT? So these properties can SIT and ROT, becoming blighted - the families with nowhere to go? On the streets? Living from their cars? SERIOUSLY? 
Medical - you CAN be turned away from a private hospital.... the FIRST thing they ask for is your insurance card.... REALLY? 
And our Supreme Court has decided that corporations have the same rights as people?
These are just a VERY VERY few of the things that need serious looking at- preferably WITHOUT looking at the dollars. 

If I could say one thing to all the graduating classes of 2012 - I would say this - Question EVERYTHING. READ. Not the garbage you are fed - read more. Question more... Do not let yourself be led to complacency. And remember that NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE!

More Recommended Reading

I have just finished reading 'The Hunger Games'  by Suzanne Collins. I must find and read the two sequels as the first book was gripping from beginning to end - but did NOT truly end.... 
Highly recommended reading. 

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Much.. and yet nothing in particular

I was reminded that I have a blog.... and when I looked at it, i realized that I have not posted in almost a full year! GOOD GRIEF! I supposed that is partially because I have been trolling Facebook mostly. 
So much has changed in the last year. I feel like I have, once again, awakened from a long slumber. The world has been active while I was in repose and now that I am awake - I am becoming more aware. 
At my ripe old age of *ahem*... yeah  that - I have finally grown out of what I term the 'Cinderella' philosophy. The 'Cinderella' philosophy is one most women of my era grew up with - that desperate need to find the perfect mate, and subsequently the 'American Dream' of the house with the little white picket fence and 2.4 children....  I am, quite frankly, the happiest I've ever been. 
I get out more, socialize more, read more, spend more time with the kids - REALLY doing things with them - and enjoying them for who they are! Yep, life has its ups and downs. But, its far more UP than DOWN! And that is coming from INSIDE of me - not outside! Hence, the reason it is consistent! 

I have been working on my photography often. I am also learning to use Picassa to some editing - as you see above. For those who know digital photography, I have taken to shooting in 'RAW' mode.  Eats a lot more room on the memory card - but, in the end, very worth it.
I have also been learning a lot about - well, everything that I possibly can.... except for the things that would be useful to my waning career.... Not sure quite why yet, but, technology holds little interest for me these days. Probably because there is no true 'career' left. The project I am on has a finite end. That end, most likely, will also be the end of my IT career. I'm not at all sad about it any more - in an odd way, I'm rather just biding my time waiting for it to get here because it will mean another beginning. Beginning of what, I'm not sure - but, definitely a beginning. 
I have been writing - but not online. I am composing a ........... well, I suppose you'd call it a manuscript or a treatise... My head is full of things that need to get out on paper - solutions to problems,  but the details of all the thoughts still need to be worked out and become coherent and cohesive.In true ADHD form, I have four completely different sections of the same manuscript started - but NONE finished! LOL! 
I keep up on what the media plays down dramatically - there is much going on to right many wrongs - I have yet to figure out what my place is in all of this - but, I know there is a place for me.

Oh - and for those of you who cannot read between the lines - there are only THREE people living in my house - myself and my two (2-footed) children (as opposed to the 3 four-footed ones!). The darkness that threatened to envelope us is gone - sanity is returning and the sun shines more often than not. Not too long ago, my parents gave me a silly little plastic dancing flower. It is solar powered. I call her 'Fleur'. Fleur sits in my bedroom window and dances from the time the sun starts to come over the horizon till almost time for bed. And I LOVE her - silly little thing. She makes me smile no matter what. Nonsense. Silliness. Some might call it stupidity. I call her Happy Fleur. 

A few weeks ago, one of my lovely four-footed children brought in a newly -fledged robin. God bless her heart, Liddle Kiddle 'gummed' the bird - never breaking skin. She damaged its wing - but, never truly hurt the bird. Of course, I gave her a name - Gwynnyth Robin. Gwynnyth kept me company for about 4 days - until I could locate and get her to a rehabilitator.  What a delightful companion Gwynnyth was! She liked to sit on my shoulder. My window is always wide open - and in the morning (after breakfast ) she would sit on my shoulder and sing such a wonderful song! And soon, I'd have a Robin Congregation perching on the telephone wires outside my window singing back to her! As the Robin Congregation grew, Sparrows and Grackles joined the chorus - it was quite the cacophony! I completely enjoyed having Gwynnyth with me! I am planning on helping out the woman who took her to rehabilitate/release her - possibly over my weeks vacation. In return, I hope that she will teach me about birds. I enjoy wildlife.... Perhaps that will be my next career... of sorts.  

I shall try to post a bit more regularly in the future. Years between posts is MUCH too long!