Thursday, July 12, 2012

Much.. and yet nothing in particular

I was reminded that I have a blog.... and when I looked at it, i realized that I have not posted in almost a full year! GOOD GRIEF! I supposed that is partially because I have been trolling Facebook mostly. 
So much has changed in the last year. I feel like I have, once again, awakened from a long slumber. The world has been active while I was in repose and now that I am awake - I am becoming more aware. 
At my ripe old age of *ahem*... yeah  that - I have finally grown out of what I term the 'Cinderella' philosophy. The 'Cinderella' philosophy is one most women of my era grew up with - that desperate need to find the perfect mate, and subsequently the 'American Dream' of the house with the little white picket fence and 2.4 children....  I am, quite frankly, the happiest I've ever been. 
I get out more, socialize more, read more, spend more time with the kids - REALLY doing things with them - and enjoying them for who they are! Yep, life has its ups and downs. But, its far more UP than DOWN! And that is coming from INSIDE of me - not outside! Hence, the reason it is consistent! 

I have been working on my photography often. I am also learning to use Picassa to some editing - as you see above. For those who know digital photography, I have taken to shooting in 'RAW' mode.  Eats a lot more room on the memory card - but, in the end, very worth it.
I have also been learning a lot about - well, everything that I possibly can.... except for the things that would be useful to my waning career.... Not sure quite why yet, but, technology holds little interest for me these days. Probably because there is no true 'career' left. The project I am on has a finite end. That end, most likely, will also be the end of my IT career. I'm not at all sad about it any more - in an odd way, I'm rather just biding my time waiting for it to get here because it will mean another beginning. Beginning of what, I'm not sure - but, definitely a beginning. 
I have been writing - but not online. I am composing a ........... well, I suppose you'd call it a manuscript or a treatise... My head is full of things that need to get out on paper - solutions to problems,  but the details of all the thoughts still need to be worked out and become coherent and cohesive.In true ADHD form, I have four completely different sections of the same manuscript started - but NONE finished! LOL! 
I keep up on what the media plays down dramatically - there is much going on to right many wrongs - I have yet to figure out what my place is in all of this - but, I know there is a place for me.

Oh - and for those of you who cannot read between the lines - there are only THREE people living in my house - myself and my two (2-footed) children (as opposed to the 3 four-footed ones!). The darkness that threatened to envelope us is gone - sanity is returning and the sun shines more often than not. Not too long ago, my parents gave me a silly little plastic dancing flower. It is solar powered. I call her 'Fleur'. Fleur sits in my bedroom window and dances from the time the sun starts to come over the horizon till almost time for bed. And I LOVE her - silly little thing. She makes me smile no matter what. Nonsense. Silliness. Some might call it stupidity. I call her Happy Fleur. 

A few weeks ago, one of my lovely four-footed children brought in a newly -fledged robin. God bless her heart, Liddle Kiddle 'gummed' the bird - never breaking skin. She damaged its wing - but, never truly hurt the bird. Of course, I gave her a name - Gwynnyth Robin. Gwynnyth kept me company for about 4 days - until I could locate and get her to a rehabilitator.  What a delightful companion Gwynnyth was! She liked to sit on my shoulder. My window is always wide open - and in the morning (after breakfast ) she would sit on my shoulder and sing such a wonderful song! And soon, I'd have a Robin Congregation perching on the telephone wires outside my window singing back to her! As the Robin Congregation grew, Sparrows and Grackles joined the chorus - it was quite the cacophony! I completely enjoyed having Gwynnyth with me! I am planning on helping out the woman who took her to rehabilitate/release her - possibly over my weeks vacation. In return, I hope that she will teach me about birds. I enjoy wildlife.... Perhaps that will be my next career... of sorts.  

I shall try to post a bit more regularly in the future. Years between posts is MUCH too long!


Sultan said...

Glad to hear that you are happier.

Seeking Serenity said...

I have been SO tempted over and over to buy one of those flowers-they just seem so darn happy all the time :D
Robin babies are the best-they are the only ones I have seen survive accidents. Continued blessings for you and all yours <3