Sunday, July 15, 2012

Photography and vacations

So, yesterday was the start of my vacation.... for my first day off - I ate everything that is bad for me, took my son out to get sneakers (spent 100$ more than I should have), spent time with my girlfriends dog - we even snoozeled together! :) 
And read a lot of photography tips, techniques, how-to's. In reading all this, I realized that I inherently knew most of what the photographers were talking about - I just didn't know enough of the 'technical' stuff to put it into words. I discovered that I'm in the minority - a large minority - but a minority nonetheless - that shoot manual. I thought all photographers did.... but, no - apparently, "Aperture Priority" is the favorite.... why? Being a control-freak of sorts - I have no idea why.... 
Took one class years ago, learned how to take the camera OFF Auto and I've never used anything but Manual since... 
I also have learned in talking to other photographers and in my readings that all good photographs that you see online have SOME post-processing done. This was a BIG eye-opener for me. I had thought that I might never get to be 'as good' as ... well - ANYone...  And then I started to really look and talk to people. I discovered that what most photographers do is they work to get the picture as perfect on the camera itself as they possibly can. Most also shoot in 'RAW' mode - which means there is NO compression of the digital image and no processing of the image within the camera to format it in any way.  This allows for better editing. Which is the third step. Lightroom seems to be the favorite post-processing software. I do not have the money for Lightroom (its pricey - very good, but pricey). 
But I do have Photoshop - which I purchased. I also have access to Picassa - Googles editing software - which is free. 
Both software pkgs have some nice fine - tuning controls - which I have yet to master. But - I'm LEARNING! 
In any field, we have plateaus and hills. I think I've begun the climb to the next plateau. 

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