Sunday, July 15, 2012

Tigger again

Just in case you forgot the setup of my car/apartment at the time, or who Tigger is  - you can read about it here.   

One day in the spring, I came home from work. As usual, my two boys rushed from wherever they had been for the last 9 hours to the kitchen for the extended and very necessary GREETING.
GREETING consists of both boys running out amid meeps of joy for scritches and laying down on opposing ends of the kitchen to see how far Mom can stretch her arms - causing me to drop briefcase and purse and fall down attempting desperately to reach both boys at the same time in order to avoid the 'Jellybean' syndrome. ('Jellybean' - a 'family' term used to mean jealous - something that every cat person knows cats are NOT. (cough cough)). GREETING also often consisted of roll-overs.... especially with Tigger who loved his belly scritched. 
So, of course, when Tigger did extensive and extended 'roll-overs' continuously on that particular day, I really didn't think too much of it. At least, not until I heard the muffled 'bzz bzzzz bz'.... And he continued to rollover and purr. Cuddles sat up like a proper cat and just looked askance at Tigger... who continued to rollover and purr.... and emit 'bzz bz bzzzz' sounds from underneath him... 
Eventually, of course, GREETING was over and it was time for the boys to move on and play until supper time. 
And Tigger arose from his lounging position on my kitchen floor to reveal.......

        ......................H U G E ......................

                                     B U M B L E B E E ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 

Took me a little while to calm down.
Did I mention that I am deathly afraid of allergic to bees?
Of course, once calm,  I promptly removed it from my sphere of existence. 

And that, I thought, was the end of that........

BUT WAIT - THERE'S MORE!!!!!!!!!!! (no - this isn't a Ginsu commercial....) 

Off my boys go to play.... and I begin to get comfortable for the evening - and of course, get their dinner ready.  They played, I thought, in the living room...... When I came back out of the bedroom into the living room - they were sitting in front of my loveseat. Both of them. Intently staring at the flap (dust ruffle?) at the bottom of the loveseat. Of course... I (stupidly) wondered what could possibly keep them so entranced ...... and bent over with flashlight in hand, lifted up the dust flap and, once again heard 'bz bzzz bzz'!
Yep - you guessed it - Out comes Bumblebee number TWO!!!!!!!!!!
Now, bumblebees (thankfully) tend to be a bit slow in the early spring....
Tigger thought this was GREAT fun! MORE MOVING TOYS!!!!!!!!!! WHOO HOO! He stared at the poor bumblebee which attempted a sputtering take off, waited till it got about 3 inches into the air, lifted that huge 6-toed catchers mitt of his and THWACKed the poor bee which landed on the carpet spitting 'bzz bzbzzz'.... (cue extremely small birdies chirping and flying in circles over bumblebee head). 
After a moment or two, Mr. Bumbles brains unscrambled enough to attempt another sputtering take-off.... Bumble sped down the runway in his mind picking up speed... faster and faster and finally LIFT OFF ..... up  - up  - up  - T H W A C K ! ! ! !  and cue birdies again.... 
Four fumbling attempts at take-off later - this Bumblebee was also removed from my sphere of existence.

I also found the space between apartment wall and window where they were getting in and sealed that.

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